Legacy Weekend
Do you believe . . .
. . . that a community of people working together can make the world a better place?
. . . in the power of hospitality to bring unity?
. . . that we are all different so we can learn from one another?
So do we!
You are invited to come celebrate the power of hospitality, the blessings of diversity, and the call to work for justice each and every Sunday – and every day in between!
Friday, Sept. 16: Where Are They Now?
5:30 p.m. – Appetizers, 6:30 p.m. – Catered Dinner
A gathering of young adults who shared their youth at Hanover and those who walked with them.
Saturday, Sept. 17: We Reach Out
Gather at 9:30 a.m. at Hanover for coffee, morning snacks, and a commissioning. Then we will head out into the world offering our hands and hearts:
o We will serve a meal at the Emmanuel Dining Room.
o We will lead a neighborhood cleanup in our community.
o Pairs of people will go to the living spaces of Hanover Saints who are not able to get out and together create care kits that will be taken to the Ronald McDonald House.
Please let us know which service you would like to participate in by calling the church office.
Saturday, Sept. 17: Celebrating Our Legacy, Part I
7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary
Present and previous Ministers of Music and Pastors will lead us in song, reflection, and even dance!
Sunday, Sept. 18: Celebrating Our Legacy, Part II
11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary
We will continue Saturday’s rejoicing in worship as we come before God in gratitude and praise for our legacy, again led by past and present musical and pastoral leaders.
Sunday, Sept. 18: The Deacons’ Luncheon
Immediately following worship
We will reconvene in the Gathering Place for a catered meal and a celebration of what it means to be a part of Hanover’s legacy. There is no cost for the meal, but a free will offering will be taken. As the meal is being catered, we are asking for reservations so we will have enough food for everyone. Please contact the church office to rsvp!