Hanover Presbyterian Church

Hospitality, Diversity, and Justice
Do you believe…
… that a community of people working together can make the world a better place?
… in the power of hospitality to bring unity?
… that we are all different so we can learn from one another?
So do we! You are invited to come celebrate the power of hospitality, the blessings of diversity, and the call to work for justice with us – on Sunday and beyond.
Statement of Faith and Purpose
In ministering to each other and the world our guide is the light, life, and love revealed in Jesus Christ. We seek to see the light in every child of God, believing that diversity is of God’s desire and design. We strive to embrace the gift of life by offering unconditional hospitality. We serve to express the love of God by working for justice for all of God’s children.
We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Statement of Welcome
We at Hanover Street Presbyterian Church are fully welcoming and inclusive of all.
Compelled by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the tradition of reformed theology, and our experiences of God’s grace through inclusion, we welcome and respect all who desire to join with us. Our faith community is enriched by our differences, and we come to greater understanding of the realm of God as we are in relationship with one another. We invite into membership all who profess faith in Jesus Christ and who affirm that faith in baptism, without regard to any human condition.