About FHS
The Female Harmony Society was established in July 1814. It was a benevolent society organized by the women of Hanover Street Presbyterian Church “for the purpose of prayer, mutual instruction, and Christian Labor.”

Inspired by 200 years of service to Delaware’s underserved, especially children, FHS continues to strengthen our community by supporting families through community partnerships, financial support, and educational advocacy.
Social Service Grants
Female Harmony Society members meet once a year to decide on the disbursement of funds to social service programs applying for grants.
In past years, grants have been provided to:
- First Step Children’s Center
- Home Life Management program of the YWCA
- Meals on Wheels
- Limen House
- Gateway House
- Project for Domestic Violence
- Hanover’s Vacation Bible School
- Foster Care Resource Center
- Hanover’s Food Pantry
- Hanover’s continuing education fund for Hanover youth
- and more!
Educational Grants
In addition to its social service community grants, the FHS gives educational grants to Hanover-affiliated youths for post-high school learning. They also bestow one scholarship per year, in the amount of $1,000, towards a post-graduate program leading to a degree or professional certification that will improve the lives of others. This is known as the Marybelle Enslen Memorial Scholarship, created in 2015. Applications for both grants are available online.
FHS Funding
The majority of the money for the grants comes from interest earned on a bequest provided by a former member of the Female Harmony Society, Elizabeth Caulk, who died in 1839. Additional funds for grants comes from the Susan Stewart Memorial Fund and from a general fund supported by annual dues.
Another way the Female Harmony Society raises funds is through its annual fundraiser – traditionally a tea or luncheon with a speaker, entertainment, and raffles. Check the FHS website for information on their next event!
Table set for the 2024 “Not Your Grandmother’s Tea” Luncheon & Fundraiser.
Historical Preservation
The Society also seeks to preserve the history of the FHS and the related history of Hanover Street Presbyterian Church.
For more information, visit their web site at www.femaleharmonysociety.org.