Worship Service
Hanover seeks to honor the many ways God’s people know and experience God. Our all-volunteer choir provides music that glorifies God in different traditions and styles. Our pastors offer messages that are relevant and helpful in today’s world.
We have two educational classes: the Adult Discipleship Class and The Wonderers (children, youth, and the young at heart).
Worship begins each Sunday at 11AM, followed by a time of fellowship and light refreshments in the Church School Hall.
Child care is provided during worship service each Sunday, but children are equally welcome to attend and participate in the worship service. Coloring pages and crayons are available at the back of the sanctuary for children to enjoy during worship.
Dress as you feel comfortable! We have a range of types of attire, from jeans to traditional “Sunday Best.”
Our services have several opportunities for people in the congregation to participate. You’ll hear announcements from people in the congregation. During the Passing of Peace, we wave and smile at our neighbors, and those who wish may shake hands or hug their neighbors. Finally, we have a time for anyone to share a Joy or Concern to ask for prayers. You are welcome to participate in any of these, but you are as welcome to choose not to.
We are a diverse congregation across race, age, interests, abilities, personality, and orientation.
Discipleship Classes
Education and study have always been at the core of Hanover. We value challenging interactions with our sacred texts, each other, and the world. Each Sunday at 9:30AM we offer two classes. The Adult Discipleship Class is an adult forum and discussion, generally focused around a Bible passage or other text. The “Wonderers” Class, made up of children and those with diverse abilities, meet each week to study a story from the Bible, do a craft or activity, and (sometimes) watch a short video on our topic. The Wonderers Class takes a break during the summer, from Labor Day to Memorial Day.
As a special offering, on the first Sunday of each month, starting at 9:30AM, we enjoy “Community Sunday,” where adults and children join together to discuss a topic, read a story, and do an activity together.
Coffee Hour after Worship
Our Hanover family is all about hospitality, developing relationships, and making connections! After worship we enjoy Coffee Hour, a time to connect and enjoy refreshments. Various Hanover groups, families, and individuals take turns hosting the coffee hour each week, so we enjoy a wide range of goodies and snacks!