The Flash! – January 9, 2014

January 9, 2014
When I was a boy I loved stopping to get gas (except in 1973).  Back in the day the places to do that were called service stations.

I can still hear the double ring of the bell that was tripped by a rubberized tube in the station’s lot.  Right after the bell rang an attendant would come to the window – one of our greatest treats as kids was when dad would let one of us say “fill ‘er up please”.

Pulling into a full service station was about much more than getting fuel.  It was an exercise in stewardship of the vehicle for the longer journey.  While the tank was getting filled the the oil would be checked so the engine would run smoothly and efficiently.  The air pressure in the tires was measured to reduce the risk of a blow out.  And, my favorite, the windows were cleaned with a squeegee, which would provide clear and safe vision of the road ahead.

At the December meeting of the Session our Ruling Elders voted to seek and employ a Church Administrator.  It was a vote filled with apprehension, yet was ultimately taken in deep faith that the resources we needed would appear.  Since that vote, by the grace of God, we have received more than $25,000 in unanticipated income.

The expansion of our staff is a recognition of the breadth and depth of our ministries, and what it takes to maintain them.  Read below about all that is happening in just the next six weeks – all of them in addition to our regular activities.  The Church Administrator is not replacing our current office volunteers – s/he will be joining and supplementing the existing service team.

The service offered at the Hanover station is about to become even fuller.  When folks pull into our station they will receive even more of the fuel necessary for the spiritual journey.  We will be more able to top off the precious oil that will keep us moving forward smoothly and efficiently.  We will be better equipped to keep our pressure just right so that we avoid blow outs.  And the windshield through which we see what lies ahead will be kept clean so that our vision will remain clear.  

May God continue to bless our station, and may our service offer nothing less than the fullness we know in Christ.
