The Flash! October 17, 2013
Then Peter said, ‘Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?’
Acts 10:46-47
In worship this Sunday we will celebrate covenants, community, and the blessings of belonging.
First we will gather around the font of grace, and witness the pouring of the baptismal waters that signify God’s covenant promise, and welcome a child of God into Christian community. Then we will share great joy with six new members who will affirm their desire to enter into a covenant relationship with Hanover church.
Such moments in the life of a congregation are transcendent. From Jesus to Peter to Cindy the waters of baptism have been sealing God’s promise of both earthly forgiveness and eternal salvation. From the beginning of our faith, baptism has been the ritual that signifies becoming a member in the body of Christ. From the foundation of our faith God has been calling believers into community, signifying that we are a people created to be in relationship with one another.
Such moments are also absolutely inclusive. Each time we stand with a believer at the font we are called to recall our relationship with God; each time we listen to new members’ vows we are asked to recommit to our own. In God’s wisdom and by God’s grace, the celebrations of covenants are communal events in which all receive blessings.
May God bless our covenantal celebrations; that each and every one of them would bring all who partake closer to God and one another.