Hanover Church hosts many community events, programs, and meetings, both for Hanover-sponsored activities and for other groups and organizations. For a complete calendar of events, click here. Some of our regularly scheduled activities are:
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry is run by volunteers from Hanover and the community and serves over 3,000 people each year. Everyone is invited to bring food donations on Sundays and leave them in the little red wagon in the back of the church. We also accept food and monetary donations from other organizations, and then extra food is purchased from the Food Bank of Delaware. The Food Pantry is open every Thursday morning from 8am – 10am.
Clothing Closet
The Clothing Closet is housed in the Hanover Gathering Place staffed by Hanover and community volunteers. We give quality donated clothing for men, women, and children. Visit Wednesday mornings from 10am – 12pm (closed in July). Families are invited to select 20 items of clothing, plus up to 5 linens.
Hanover is fortunate to have a gymnasium and uses it to serve the community. We currently have free exercise classes each week. Zumba meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6pm – 7pm, Pickleball on Wednesdays from 10am – 12pm, and Yoga on Fridays from 6:15pm – 7:30pm. Newcomers are always welcome!
JB’s Cafe
JB’s Cafe is open weekly each Tuesday year-round and staffed by both Hanover and community volunteers. Breakfast foods are offered from 8am – 10am, and our lunch menu is served from 10am – 1pm. The proceeds from the cafe go directly to our Food Pantry and other food ministries. Join us in the Hanover Gathering Place, or outside on 18th Street during the warm summer months!

The Ramblers perform for JB’s cafe during the lunch rush.
Sunday Mornings at Hanover
Get more information about Sunday Mornings at Hanover.